Paving The Way - Passion For Change

Education for the transportation industry 

Accessible Design Consulting. E-Learning Platform. Educational Resources.
about us

Passion for change

Company Mission Statement

Bringing accessibility to the forefront of traffic design through education and consultancy. We are breaking down accessibility barriers by invoking empathy, compassion, and paradigm shifts for the purpose of impactful change.

our Team

Olivia (Haddon) KENNEDY

Accessible Design Consultant

With over 8+ years of experience working in the transportation industry, Olivia specializes in accessible design. With a passion to educate the industry on the importance of creating street environments for the whole community, she aims to bring accessibility to the forefront of traffic engineering and design. By invoking empathy, compassion, and paradigm shifts through education, Olivia hopes to bring about impactful change for a community that is often overlooked in urban planning.

Paving The Way


How can we help you bring additional meaning and purpose into your everyday work?
Accessible Design Consulting

Assisting Cities one intersection at a time.

Are you redesigning old intersections and don't know if you have met all the current accessibility requirements? Have you received a community complaint regarding an accessible barrier but don't know what to do to fix it? We are here to help!

e-learning person learning online on a computer
E-Learning Platform

Education that brings meaning and purpose to traffic intersection design.

Easy and interactive education that helps traffic engineers and technicians feel comfortable in approaching accessibility concerns, bring purpose to a topic that is often an after-thought.


Elevating voices from within our communities.

Cultivating space for thought-provoking and educational conversations, that aim to bring awareness to everyday struggles faced by persons with disabilities when navigating the street environment.

Contact Us
If you have any questions regarding our services, we would love to hear from you.
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Company HeadQuarters

PO BOX 3438
Vancouver Main
Vancouver, BC, CANADA 

TOLL FREE: 1-888-700-1203
LOCAL: +1 604-544-1203